Consulting Firm
Big Four consulting firm outsourced SEO and landing page copywriting to the Content Bureau.
When the world’s largest organizations need a consulting firm to advise them on global tax and financial issues, they rely on sharp, focused, technically accurate, jargon-free information to help them choose. Copy needs to be appropriate for a global CFO or her trusted staff members—who may reside anywhere in the world, and speak any number of languages. In other words, this copy must be pristine. Enter the Content Bureau.
Since 2015, we’d supported various global industry marketing groups at this Big Four consulting firm—delivering high-quality thought leadership articles, blog posts, case studies, ebooks, infographics, messaging, PowerPoint decks, reports, white papers, and more. We also had specific expertise writing for their CFO suite. When the firm invited us to support a critical strategic project—creating all-new landing pages for the firm’s global tax business—we were uniquely well suited for the role. We assembled a stellar SEO and editorial team, and got to work.
We started by performing competitive and SEO analysis, then recommended unique key phrases for each page of the new site. These were validated by our client’s expert in-house SEO team, with whom we worked in partnership throughout the project, along with leaders from global industry marketing, global strategy and communications, demand generation campaign strategy, and digital marketing. First impressions are critically important, so we were thrilled to hear, “Thank you! This is so interesting. Things here are really looking good. The project is going well so far!”
We then interviewed dozens of senior thought leaders to secure source content about each of the firm’s tax services—40 in total. There was a unique team of stakeholders for each landing page, which made data gathering—and the review process—especially challenging. Both teams rose to the occasion. “Thank you, you guys did an amazing job with these interviews,” our client said. “This was a great draft, and everyone has been really happy with it.” She was a complete rock star, securing consolidated feedback on our drafts from a multitude of diverse stakeholders around the globe, all within reasonable deadlines.
Over the course of a year, we delivered search-engine-optimized landing page copy for 40 landing pages—arguably some of the most important on the firm’s global website. Once each landing page was live, we checked its SEO performance to ensure its efficacy. We’re especially gratified to report that both metrics and qualitative feedback on these landing pages have been excellent. Throughout the project, we received excellent feedback from our clients, including, “This is spot on. But I did not expect anything less. : ).”