by Lisa S. | Jul 29, 2013 | Copywriting Tips
So at the last staff meeting someone on your team—maybe your boss?—suggested putting out a newsletter. Great idea! Wait, um, you want me to manage it? Edit it? …Write it? [cue crickets chirping] Oh, sure. Of course I can. Yep. Can vs. Should: Three Questions Of course...
by Lisa S. | Jun 4, 2013 | Copywriting Tips
Ah, jargon. The business writer’s bane. (And, let’s be honest here, very occasionally the business writer’s savior. It’s late. You’re on deadline. You need to shoehorn a 50-word description into a 30-word elevator pitch. It happens. But we aspire to better things.) If...
by Chris | May 17, 2013 | Copywriting Tips
The reviews are in for Inferno, the new thriller from The Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown, and everyone pretty much agrees that it’s a terribly written book, which is nevertheless a page-turner and will make bucketloads of cash. Rest assured that if you borrow ideas...
by Nina | Apr 17, 2013 | Copywriting Tips
In today’s post, the serial comma—also known as the Oxford comma. For those of us who may become rather focused on such things, the debate about “serial comma, yes or no?” can be serious business. Commas are wonderful tools. They convey changes of direction, clarify...
by Lisa S. | Mar 21, 2013 | Copywriting Tips
Your Highness: I’m clued in enough to laugh at those parodies of over-the-top business jargon that periodically make the rounds… but I’m also quite aware of the need to keep my job fit in by embracing the specialized language of my professional peers. What’s an...
by Lisa S. | Oct 26, 2012 | Copywriting Tips
Your Highness: I’m not much of a writer but, like so many of your loyal subjects, I have a job that often requires me to write. I want to be professional—and avoid embarrassing mistakes. I need an on-call editor. Or at least a cheat sheet. Please help! My dear...